Denial of Your Petition
The ability to seal your Nevada criminal record is not absolute. Certain felony records and/or proceedings can never be sealed. Even if your specific Nevada criminal record is sealable, you may not be eligible if certain statutory timeframes have not elapsed. For instance, if your case was “denied,” you cannot apply to have your criminal record sealed until the statute of limitation period for your underlying offense has expired. Additionally, if you were convicted or plead guilty to your offense, you cannot apply to have your criminal record sealed until the statutory waiting period has elapsed. Even if these timeframes have elapsed, please remember that just because you are eligible to petition the Court to seal your Nevada criminal record does not necessarily mean that your petition is going to be granted. The Court may deny your petition if you have existing criminal cases, if additional criminal cases were initiated against you during your statutory waiting period or if you were dishonorably discharged from probation. A Judge will ultimately have final discretion concerning whether to grant your petition to seal your Nevada criminal record. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility to seal your Nevada criminal record, please contact The Hayes Law Firm to schedule a free and confidential consultation.